Wednesday 28 October 2009

prgoress so far with 1st biodiversity model puffer fish

puffer fish reference image

this is the image i am using as a rough refernce for the modeling process in 3d studio max.

Monday 26 October 2009

Progression so far with studio max

So far i have learnt to model basic shapes, use the lathe technique apply textures and materials to objects and models. use lighting and shadows to apply to scenes and objects and started modeling my first of three biodiversity stamps which is a puffer fish. im still not brilliant with studio max but am slowly getting more competent with it.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

more lighting effects with studio max

buy doing the same process as descride before i added another spot light behind the object( chossen in the light modifier list) then changed the colour and intensity till it look right. and inserted a omni light inside the pumkin.

first attempt at lighting/shadow effect

basic shapes created in 3d max and then a light applied over them with a shadow. this was applied in the modifer box and omni light selected and tweaked for desired light and shadow output.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

making a realistic looking leaf with the material menu

using photo shop to crop and select the leaf to import it into studio max and creating a black and white copy to use in the opacity menu in studio max to be able to make it look even better. same process as the wooden object just applyed differently and using the soft selection tool to make the flat leaf curved and more realistic.

2 wooden objects with realistic texture

First time applying material texture to a 3d object was interesting and not to hard to complete. simply buy using the material menu in 3d max and getting a texture off google images and importing it into the materials map on the menu to apply it to a object. also using the bump option to increase the amount of texture on the skin of the object to make it look more realistic.


Sunday 4 October 2009

Progression so far with 3D studio max

beginning to learn the basics in studio max and picking up techniques, and getting used to the interface which was quite puzzling at first. have been working through Richard's tutorials and all is going well, but im sure there is plenty of harder stuff to come in the course. Also starting to get ideas for my biodiversity themed stamps buy doing the mood-boards.

Thursday 1 October 2009