Monday 28 September 2009

First experiences with 3D studio max software

At first was slightly overwhelmed with the interface as you are with most large software packages, but after a few hours had created some cool shapes and made a model house of sorts! so i think as-long as i put some practice time into using it i should be alright. The only thing i was disappointed about was it isn't available for a mac! :(

Mood board for biodiversity themed stamp.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

First blog reaction to first brief

Definalty the most interesting module that has been given for this first semester of 2nd yr. looks complicated and should provide me with a good skill set in 3d modelling. Ive never used any 3d modelling software before so should be interesting to see how quickly i pick up the skills and techniques needed. All in all looks like it should be quite a challenging and interesting module.